I think we act like children all the time but in Disneyland every one's defenses fall to the flower gilded pathways and it's easy to see we are not alone. Even Papa Lee was able to abandon his concern for the people dying on his snowy runways at home and stay with us to the very end of each magical day.

Disneyland's magic is only accentuated at Christmas time. The care that is taken with the placement of every detail truly is awe inspiring. I think we actually enjoyed the aesthetic of this magical kingdom more than any ride. It is the best place to be during the holidays.
Jimmy put "the muscle" to work and enjoyed
the ride.

Jimmy put "the muscle" to work and enjoyed
the ride.

We were lucky to have our friends join us in our adventures. Having the excellent company of friends and family always makes any vacation more enjoyable. It was great seeing my long lost cousin Jared all grown up, and sounding just like his father(scary). It seemed like the never ending vacation. Whether it be canoeing, eating at Ariel's Grotto with the princesses(thanks U.B.), running from ride to ride all night, or watching the girls eyes light up as they witnessed the magic of Walt Disney, this was a wonderful break from reality.
While Jimmy got to realize His life long dream of singing " A Whale Of A Tale" with Pirates!

The truth is we couldn't have had more fun if we tried and want to thank everyone who came and made it all the more special!
Hi there, I just let Cole freeze my hand with liquid nitrogen and now I am typing you this message through the pain. It was a really fun vacation, so thank you so much for inviting us and letting us sponge off of your crap-tastical hotel!
Hey Auds. Looks like you all had fun at Disneyland. I didn't know so many people were there with you. Maybe I'll be invited next time???
so, so, so jealous.... Adopt me so I can come next time, deal?
ps. no Curty, remember I'M her best friend :)
um, saw this... thought of you. xx miss you!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWf3iJjqYCM
Just so you know, you look really skinny in that top photo! I just love those kinds of magical shots!
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